I'd like to make a PlayMaker action that is capable of doing something like...:
Conversation[3].Dialog[22].SimStatus = "WasDisplayed"
...which works in DS as a script.
However, I'm having difficulties translating that to C#.
I have two "candidates"...:
Lua.Run() method
DialogueLua class
...but in the first one I don't have the slightest idea of what to write. And in the second I don't see anything promising apart from "SetStatus", that doesn't seem to be related to Sim Status.
I could use some help here, hehe.
Set Sim Status from PlayMaker
Set Sim Status from PlayMaker
Unity 2019.4.9f1
Dialogue System 2.2.15
Dialogue System 2.2.15
Re: Set Sim Status from PlayMaker
Use the DialogueLua class.
To set a dialogue entry's SimStatus, use DialogueLua.MarkDialogueEntryUntouched(), Offered(), or Displayed():
Alternatively, you could use Lua.Run() instead:
To get a dialogue entry's SimStatus, use DialogueLua.GetSimStatus(): (you can use IDs or DialogueEntry)
Or use Lua:
Use the DialogueLua class.
To set a dialogue entry's SimStatus, use DialogueLua.MarkDialogueEntryUntouched(), Offered(), or Displayed():
Code: Select all
var dialogueEntry = DialogueManager.masterDatabase.GetDialogueEntry(3, 22);
Code: Select all
Lua.Run("Conversation[3].Dialog[22].SimStatus = 'WasDisplayed'");
Code: Select all
string simStatus = DialogueLua.GetSimStatus(3, 22);
Code: Select all
string simStatus = Lua.Run("return Conversation[3].Dialog[22].SimStatus").asString;