i need some guidance to solve this problem i'm having
i suppose it's related to how the player actor is assigned, but i can't figure out what am i doing wrong
this is what happens:
i start the game from main menu scene.
in gameplay scene , start a conversation.
Expected behaviour: the dialogue plays normally, showing all subtitles.
Actual behavior: player subtitles are not shown, showing only conversant nodes.
some other info:
i am using opsive ucc
the main menu scene has a dialogue manager with save system, while the player prefab is only in the gameplay scene
this happens only if i start the game from another scene, if i start directly from gameplay scene everything is fine.
if i change the player nodes actor to <none> the subtitles are shown.
In the debug log, the dialogue manager says that is playing the nodes (Dialogue System:Player says [..].), but they are not shown. Maybe they are skipped automatically for some reason? Continue button mode is set to always.
Ok i found out what i was doing wrong:
i am using the menu framework from DialgoueSystem Extras, and forgot to check "Set PC subtitles" option in the Options component.
Now PC subtitles show correctly.
Beat me to it. That's what I figured was going on. I recommend saving your fully-customized Dialogue Manager GameObject as a new prefab variant. Then use this prefab variant in any scenes where you've placed a Dialogue Manager. That way you'll know you have the same Dialogue Manager configuration regardless of which scene you start playtesting in.