Misc. Dialogue UI-Related Questions

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Tony Li
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Misc. Dialogue UI-Related Questions

Post by Tony Li »

This thread answers some questions from Hunter7 on Youtube.
How do I increase the size of the font in the templates?
First, duplicate the template. There are two ways to do this:

1. Assign the template to the Dialogue Manager's Dialogue UI field. If it's different from what's already assigned, the Dialogue System will ask if you want to add an instance to the Dialogue Manager GameObject or keep a reference to the prefab. If you select Add Instance, the Dialogue Manager in your scene will have an instantiated copy of the dialogue UI that you can customize.

2. Or duplicate the template prefab in the Project view and customize this. Assign it to the Dialogue Manager's Dialogue UI field.

You'll want to edit a duplicate, and not the original template, so you won't lose your customizations if you update the Dialogue System.

Then inspect the Text GameObject such as 'Subtitle Text' and the response button(s)' child Text objects. Increase their font sizes. You can switch to TextMesh Pro if you prefer. See here: TextMesh Pro Support.
How do I change the pictures of the characters in the dialog UI?
In the Dialogue Editor window's Actors section, assign pictures to each actor's Portrait Sprites section. If you add more than one, you'll notice that they're numbered. You can use [pic=#] tags in your Dialogue Text to tell a line of dialogue to use a different portrait image.

This post has an example screenshot and links to more info.
How do customize the template to something else?
See the first question above.
How do I change the default Continue button?
If you're talking about the continue button's appearance, you can customize it in your dialogue UI.

If you want to change it so the player can click anywhere on the screen to continue, see #2 in this post.

If you want to change the logic of when continue buttons appear, inspect the Dialogue Manager GameObject and change the Display Settings > Subtitle Settings > Continue Button dropdown.
And how do I change the default voiceovers that are in the asset or get rid of them altogether (OK...what's the problem? I'll find a path for you.)?
To remove the demo's voiceovers, delete or rename the folder Assets / Plugins / Pixel Crushers / Dialogue System / Demo / Resources.

To play your own voiceover audio clips, put them in a folder named Resources. Then drag an audio clip into a corresponding dialogue entry node's Sequence field. This will add an AudioWait() sequencer command. To learn more about sequencer commands, see: Cutscene Sequences Tutorials.

(Note: Putting your audio clips in a Resources folder is the easiest way to get it working. The Dialogue System supports other options if you don't want to use a Resources folder, such as Addressables.)
Also some of the templates (Mobile) do not have a continue button. How do I add a continue button & how would I customize it?
Add a UI Button and assign it to the subtitle panels' Standard UI Subtitle Panel component > Continue Button field.

If you want it to immediately continue, leave the UI Button's OnClick() UnityEvent blank.

If you want the first click to fast-forward the typewriter if it's still typing, examine one of the continue buttons in the templates. They use a Standard UI Continue Button Fast Forward components.
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