Porting NGUI version of Dialogue System to Unity UI.

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Porting NGUI version of Dialogue System to Unity UI.

Post by Nonlin »

So I have to port an old project that uses NGUI and the NGUI version of the dialogue system to Unity UI.

Is this a straightforward process?
Is there any documentation that could lead me in the right direction or do I have to implement everything from scratch again?


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Tony Li
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Re: Porting NGUI version of Dialogue System to Unity UI.

Post by Tony Li »

Hi George,

It's fairly straightforward. Since the Dialogue System is GUI system independent, you can point the Dialogue Manager to any dialogue UI and it'll work.

The most recent versions of the Dialogue System (including have included many improvements to Unity UI support. If possible, update to the latest version to take advantage of the improvements.

On the UI layout side, I suggest that you add the Prefabs/Dialogue Manager prefab to your scene, copy the settings from your old Dialogue Manager to the new one, and then delete the old one. If you don't want to do this, then add Prefabs/Unity UI Prefabs/Generic/Generic Bundled UI as a child of your existing Dialogue Manager. In either case, if you leave the Dialogue Manager's Dialogue UI field unassigned, the Dialogue System will use the first dialogue UI it finds underneath the Dialogue Manager. Or you can assign the dialogue UI manually; it's up to you.

This will give you a set of generic-looking Unity UI layouts for the dialogue UI, quest log window, etc., that you can customize to look like your NGUI UIs.

Expand the Generic Unity UI Dialogue UI so you can see the Alert Panel and Dialogue Panel child GameObjects. On each, temporarily set the Canvas Group > Alpha value to 1 to make them visible. Then customize the layout and texture assignments to look like your NGUI versions. You can read about how Unity UI dialogue UIs work here. Then do the same for any other UIs you're using, such as quest log windows, quest tracker HUDs, and selectors.

If you're using bark UIs, add a Generic Unity UI Bark UI to each of your barking NPCs and customize its appearance.

If you run into any issues or have any questions about this, just let me know!
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