Navigating between responses

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Navigating between responses

Post by bitGlassGames »

Hi all,

I'm new to Dialogue System and have just run through the Conversation Conditions tutorial.
Using a joystick button I can choose the default response but I can't navigate between responses using the joystick or keyboard.
I've inspected the buttons for each response in the hierarchy and Navigation is set to Explicit and the various directions point to the correct response.
Is there something really obvious I should be checking or is there some documentation I can look at to troubleshoot this?
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Tony Li
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Re: Navigating between responses

Post by Tony Li »


Thanks for using the Dialogue System!

Are there any errors or warnings in the Console window?

Inspect the Dialogue Manager GameObject's Input Device Manager component. Tick the Always Auto Focus checkbox. Then see if you can navigate responses.

If you can't, then keep an inspector view on the EventSystem GameObject. In play mode, it will report which UI Button (if any) is selected (i.e. focused for navigation). When the response menu comes up, does one of the response buttons have focus?
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Re: Navigating between responses

Post by bitGlassGames »

Thanks for the reply.
Looking at the EventSystem GameObject, I noticed that the Move field (of the InputSystemUIInputModule component) was pointing to UI / Move, so I had a look at what other options were available and there was an option for Player / Move.
While I'm not sure where it's pulling those variables (possibly because I'm using Input System?), but that definitely fixed it.
I can now navigate between responses =)
Interestingly, the responses won't accept my Interact button that I've set up in the Dialogue Manager. There's nothing in the EventSystem / Input Module that seems to fix it either. Any ideas?
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Re: Navigating between responses

Post by bitGlassGames »

So after some digging around the Input System files in Unity, I've found a way to fix this.
I simply dragged the Input Actions Asset I had made for the player into the Actions Asset field of the Input System UI Input Module component. It threw a warning about how UI controls should generally be Pass Through action types, so I changed them accordingly and Presto!
I'm not sure if it's the right way, but it seems to work =)
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Tony Li
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Re: Navigating between responses

Post by Tony Li »

That's the way to do it. The InputSystemUIInputModule needs to know what input actions to check, and if they're different from the default you just need to do exactly what you did.
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Re: Navigating between responses

Post by alexjet1000 »


Im so so sorry to revive this, but im encountering the same issue with Input System.
Tho i did have the Action asset set on the Input Module.

The first response button gets focused when prompted, and i can select it (using the Key Action script), yet i cant navigate through them. The navigation on the asset is set to the joystick directions.

By the way, im directly using the TextAnimator + feel+ dialogue system bubble dialogue panel to test, so the panel set up should be ok!

Any hint abou what could be wrong?
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Tony Li
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Re: Navigating between responses

Post by Tony Li »

Try resetting your InputSystemUIInputModule. (Click the triple-dot button in the upper right of the component's inspector and select Reset.) This will reset it to use the default UI input actions, which should allow you to navigate. If this works and you want to still switch to using your own input actions asset, make sure your input actions' Move input is configured correctly.
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