SMS example does not interact with my dialogue editor setup

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SMS example does not interact with my dialogue editor setup

Post by fkkcloud »


I think there is something conflicting with the SMS Dialogue UI example.
I've set it up how you've described in this thread: ... f=3&t=3827

(I did not make separate Canvas for it just yet but SMS dialogue UI is part of DialogueManager prefab now.)

SMS actor's Overload Dialogue UI component is referencing to the same "prefab" within DialogueManager. (and the prefab in the DialogueManager prefab is not unpacked too)

Below is my setup for Dialogue Editor
화면 캡처 2020-11-22 085134.png
화면 캡처 2020-11-22 085134.png (168.27 KiB) Viewed 821 times
화면 캡처 2020-11-22 085155.png
화면 캡처 2020-11-22 085155.png (139.46 KiB) Viewed 821 times
화면 캡처 2020-11-22 085210.png
화면 캡처 2020-11-22 085210.png (94.99 KiB) Viewed 821 times
and this is setup in the SMS actor
화면 캡처 2020-11-22 085904.png
화면 캡처 2020-11-22 085904.png (73.88 KiB) Viewed 820 times
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Tony Li
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Re: SMS example does not interact with my dialogue editor setup

Post by Tony Li »


In what way is it not working?

Please temporarily set the Dialogue Manager's Other Settings > Debug Level to Info. Then reproduce the problem. When the SMS conversation starts, it will log something like this to the Console window:

Dialogue System: Starting conversation 'Title' with actor=XXX and conversant=YYY

Make sure XXX or YYY is the GameObject with the SMS Dialogue Actor. If the SMS Dialogue Actor GameObject is not XXX or YYY, the conversation will not use the Override Dialogue UI.
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Re: SMS example does not interact with my dialogue editor setup

Post by fkkcloud »

If I click on an input that works for default dialogue UI to "Continue" the dialogue, SMS doe snot respond at all.

I will try to share log soon-
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Re: SMS example does not interact with my dialogue editor setup

Post by fkkcloud »

So, I tried to set

Code: Select all

even that does not make the dialogue to continue.(the usual input that works for Default Dialogue UI with the same setup)


Code: Select all

this works.
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Tony Li
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Re: SMS example does not interact with my dialogue editor setup

Post by Tony Li »


SetContinueMode(true) doesn't make it continue. It only shows or hides the continue button and set the Dialogue Manager's Subtitle Settings > Continue Button dropdown value.

The combination should work, if you want to turn continue mode back on and also continue immediately:

Code: Select all

required SetContinueMode(true);
(Or use Continue()@2 if you want to wait for 2 seconds before continuing.)
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Re: SMS example does not interact with my dialogue editor setup

Post by fkkcloud »

Is it because it does not have "Continue Button" set explicitly?
So I need to set

Code: Select all

required SetContinueMode(true);
for all the dialogue node? so player's input would make it continue?
화면 캡처 2020-11-22 180144.png
화면 캡처 2020-11-22 180144.png (64.63 KiB) Viewed 808 times
Last edited by fkkcloud on Sun Nov 22, 2020 9:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: SMS example does not interact with my dialogue editor setup

Post by fkkcloud »


Code: Select all

required SetContinueMode(true);
does not make my usual input to continue to work.

Maybe I am missing a small input focus related thing here?

its just stuck in here.
화면 캡처 2020-11-22 175838.png
화면 캡처 2020-11-22 175838.png (149.77 KiB) Viewed 809 times
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Tony Li
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Re: SMS example does not interact with my dialogue editor setup

Post by Tony Li »

If you're using Continue(), you don't have to assign the subtitle panel's Continue Button field.

Try removing SetContinueMode(true), and only use Continue() or Continue()@2.

You only need SetContinueMode(true) if you want to use the sequencer command to set the Dialogue Manager's Display Settings > Subtitle Settings > Continue Button dropdown to Always.
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Re: SMS example does not interact with my dialogue editor setup

Post by fkkcloud »

If I just use

Code: Select all


Code: Select all

It will just go through the dialogue automatically.

What I want is
Character A: say something
Player press
Character A: say something
Player Press
Player Choice - choose/select
Player Press
Character A: say something

and yes, my Dialogue Manager's Continue Button dropdown is set to Always for default dialogue UI where it has a continue button/aka indicator purposes.

But with the Continue Button set to Always, for some reason SetContinueMode(false) - does not work on my Dialogue UI as well. Maybe its because I am manually set active on/off via TypeWritter component's OnCharacter / OnEnd
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Tony Li
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Re: SMS example does not interact with my dialogue editor setup

Post by Tony Li »

fkkcloud wrote: Sun Nov 22, 2020 9:47 pmCharacter A: say something
Player press
Character A: say something
Player Press
Player Choice - choose/select
Player Press
Character A: say something
You will need to assign a continue button for that. If you don't want a visible continue button, you can make a continue button that covers the entire SMS dialogue UI. Set the Image's Color > alpha value to zero so it's invisible. This way the player can click anywhere on the SMS dialogue UI to continue.

Inspect the conversation in the Dialogue Editor and select Menu > Conversation Properties or click on blank canvas space to view the conversation's properties. Tick Override Display Settings, Override Subtitle Settings, and set the Continue Button mode to Always.
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