How To: Write Interactive Tutorial Conversations

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Tony Li
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Joined: Thu Jul 18, 2013 1:27 pm

How To: Write Interactive Tutorial Conversations

Post by Tony Li »

This article describes how to implement a tutorial conversation where the player must complete tasks to advance the conversation.

It uses the WaitForMessage() sequencer command. (Info: Sequences, Tutorials, additional WaitForMessage example)

In your tutorial conversation, use the WaitForMessage() sequencer command to wait for a sequencer message. In the example below, the dialogue entry "Press the red button" waits for the sequencer message "PressedRedButton".

tutorialConv1.png (27.82 KiB) Viewed 623 times

When the player completes the task, in a C# script call Sequencer.Message(). Example:

Code: Select all

If your player GameObject has a Dialogue System Events (or similar) to disable player control, don't assign it to the Dialogue System Trigger or as the conversation's actor or conversant. This way the player will still retain control for this conversation.
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