3rd party Speech bubble integration

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3rd party Speech bubble integration

Post by Grubschumi »


I wonder if its possible to integrate your system in such a way where I cherry pick for example the dialogue wheel for player decision choices but instead of the NPC dialogue panel to use a 3rd party asset store speech bubble dialogue system for the NPC output such as:

https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/t ... ager-75417
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Tony Li
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Re: 3rd party Speech bubble integration

Post by Tony Li »

Yes, certainly. You'd assign the Wheel Dialogue UI to the Dialogue Manager's Dialogue UI field. Then assign overhead speech bubble subtitle panels to each character so their subtitle text will appear in the overhead bubbles. See How To: Overhead Speech Bubbles for details.

If you don't want to use the Dialogue System's built-in speech bubble prefabs, you can use Lively Chat Bubbles (integration info). I chose to integrate with Lively Chat Bubbles because it's currently the best choice for overhead speech bubble on the Asset Store. However, you can always write your own subclass of StandardUISubtitlePanel (as I did for Lively Chat Bubbles) to work with whatever overhead bubble asset you want.
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Re: 3rd party Speech bubble integration

Post by Grubschumi »

Many thanks, I managed to get this to work. I have one more question and I hope you are able to advise please if you may.

I am using a game pad and the new input system, once the dialogue wheel pops up, I would like to use the right joystick on the game pad to navigate the options on the wheel.

I have been looking at you DefaultInputActions to figure out it is the point attribute I need.

I attempted to modify the Point attribute to take a game pad right Joystick.

Any advice on how to do it?

Kind Regards
new input asset.png
new input asset.png (13.16 KiB) Viewed 204 times
DefaultInputActions.png (35.39 KiB) Viewed 204 times
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Tony Li
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Re: 3rd party Speech bubble integration

Post by Tony Li »


On your Input System UI Input Module component, set the Move dropdown to your right stick movement action. Or change your input actions so UI/Navigate reads input from the right stick. Then you'll be able to navigate any Unity UI (including Dialogue System UIs) with the right stick.
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