Hello Pixel Crushers
I want all my quest to be listed inside my main menu. So when the user clicks on the button "Quests" the user can pick quest from a list of availaible quests.
I dont know how this can be done? It looks like everything is triggered with player characters moving into each other and so on.
Can you please help me set this up?
I only want 1 place where user can get new quest, and that is when they go into the main menu and choose quests.
Really looking forward to hearing from you all
Give quest from main menu
Re: Give quest from main menu
Add a QuestGiver component to your main menu. When the player clicks a quest button, call QuestGiver.GiveQuestToQuester() to give the quest to the player.
Add a QuestGiver component to your main menu. When the player clicks a quest button, call QuestGiver.GiveQuestToQuester() to give the quest to the player.