Dialogue node start after fade complete?

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Dialogue node start after fade complete?

Post by PeterParked »

So after reading through your helpful remarks on other posts, I've realized that my attempt to get a dialogue node to not start until after a Sequencer fade is finished is being foiled by the Continue button.

Like I've been trying commands like this: Fade(stay, 2);required LoadLevel(LocationDoor)@2;required Fade(in,2)@4;Delay(4)@4;

but the dialogue starts immediately anyway, because the continue button is involved.

The effect I'm trying to get is that based on a dialogue choice, a sequencer fade happens, a new level is loaded, and once that level is loaded and the sequencer fade is complete, a linked conversation starts. Right now, obviously, the linked dialogue is starting immediately, and you can see it before the fade out is complete.

I'm new to C#, and not familiar with coroutines, but I'm totally game to try if that's going to be the best way to do this. The fades are also optional--I just figured from other posts that they're helpful in disguising the level load.
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Tony Li
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Re: Dialogue node start after fade complete?

Post by Tony Li »


You can use Fade() sequencer commands, or you can set up the Save System with a Scene Transition Manager and let the LoadLevel() sequencer command take care of the fade. To see an example, open DemoScene1 and inspect the Dialogue Manager GameObject.

Maybe this sequence would be better:

Code: Select all

This sequence:

1. Hides the continue button.

2. Loads the scene "LocationDoor". If you've set up a Scene Transition Manager component, it will fade to black before loading and fade back in after loading.

3. After 4 seconds, shows the continue button.

If you want to automatically continue without requiring the player to click the continue button, you could add this sequencer command:

Code: Select all

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