Unable to control the camera in conversations

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Unable to control the camera in conversations

Post by skulldraagon3200 »

Hey there,

Just purchased the Dialogue system and I absolutely love it. Been messing around with it for the past few days, following the tutorials, reading the documentation, all that good stuff.

I've been having an issue where I can't seem to control the camera at all. As soon as I start a conversation, I immediately get this warning:
"Dialogue System: Sequencer: Camera subject '' wasn't found."

I haven't found very much on this warning, but what I have found has allowed to play with a bunch of options, none of which has worked. On my Dialogue Manager, I have manually set the Sequencer Camera to the main camera. I only have one camera in the scene and it is tagged as the Main Camera.

The only thing I can think of that is affecting is that on the objects that have conversation triggers, the Actor variable is always none. When I set the variable to the player transform, and press play, the variable resets to none. During play, if I set the variable, I still get the warning.

I feel like I'm missing something but I can't seem to figure out why this is happening.

Any suggestions?

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Tony Li
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Re: Unable to control the camera in conversations

Post by Tony Li »


Thanks for buying the Dialogue System!

"Camera subject '' wasn't found" suggests that the Camera() sequencer command is receiving a blank string as the second parameter. Or, if you're not specifying a second parameter, the default speaker is null for some reason (which may be what's happening given what you described with the triggers).

Is this in a dialogue entry's Sequence field or the Dialogue Manager's Default Sequence? Can you post the sequence here?

It might help to temporarily change the Dialogue Manager's Debug Level to Info. This will log a lot of information to the Console view. Look for a line that says "Starting conversation". This line will list the transforms for the Actor and Conversant. Then look for some lines containing the details of the Camera() command. That might also shed some light on the problem.

I suspect something's going on with the trigger. Can you post a screenshot of the inspector view?

Also, version 1.5.2 is being released later today. I'll make sure you have download access to the Pixel Crushers customer download site, since it usually takes the Unity Asset Store a few days to make it available.

Please also feel free to send an example project to tony (at) pixelcrushers.com. I'll be happy to take a look.
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