Hi Tony,
I'm tying to write a C# in unity which can automatically click continue button . Just like a fast-forward button in AVG game ,when people want to fast-forward skip dialog they can use . It has to stop when people meet a response choice in conversation.
Can you help on this ? Thank you.
a fast-forward button
Re: a fast-forward button
Hi Ricky,
Inspect the Dialogue Manager GameObject, and set Subtitle Settings > Min Subtitle Seconds to 0. Set Subtitle Settings > Subtitle Chars Per Second to the same value as the typewriter effect's Characters Per Second on the subtitle text UI element.
To enter fast-forward mode:
To exit fast-forward mode:
Inspect the Dialogue Manager GameObject, and set Subtitle Settings > Min Subtitle Seconds to 0. Set Subtitle Settings > Subtitle Chars Per Second to the same value as the typewriter effect's Characters Per Second on the subtitle text UI element.
To enter fast-forward mode:
Code: Select all
using PixelCrushers.DialogueSystem;
DialogueManager.displaySettings.subtitleSettings.continueButton = DisplaySettings.SubtitleSettings.ContinueButtonMode.Optional;
Code: Select all
DialogueManager.displaySettings.subtitleSettings.continueButton = DisplaySettings.SubtitleSettings.ContinueButtonMode.Always;