I've got one small question after realizing something about the Reorder Ids feature...
Let's say I'm using conditions like this...:
Code: Select all
Dialog[thisID].SimStatus == "Untouched"
Let's also say that I have players with previous game saves, prior to the point when I decide to reorder Ids for that convo.
And then I release a new game version and the players take it from their last save game file...
You suspect where this is going, right?
So, the question is if those saves are still valid in the new version, because if the node states were saved according to their Ids, and those are not the same as before... well...
I ask this because I'm testing the latest version with a save file one player has sent me, and this is happening at one point...:
The node on the top should be selected instead of the bottom one, because even if the top one has that condition from before, the player is supposed to still not have seen the top one... unless the save file is telling otherwise?
Note: I'm using Adv. Maker to save.