Switching quest log languages

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Tony Li
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Re: Switching quest log languages

Post by Tony Li »

Thanks for confirming!
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Re: Switching quest log languages

Post by rairun »

Hi Tony!

Did you manage to get the "[new]" indicator and display names for quest groups into DS version 2.2.35?

Also, I've just updated DS, and the "Extra" warm up option is giving me this error (which causes DS not to display any conversations):

Code: Select all

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
PixelCrushers.DialogueSystem.DialogueSystemController.FinishExtraWarmup () (at Assets/Plugins/Pixel Crushers/Dialogue System/Scripts/Manager/DialogueSystemController.cs:878)
PixelCrushers.DialogueSystem.DialogueSystemController+<WarmUpConversationControllerExtra>d__198.MoveNext () (at Assets/Plugins/Pixel Crushers/Dialogue System/Scripts/Manager/DialogueSystemController.cs:862)
UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (System.Collections.IEnumerator enumerator, System.IntPtr returnValueAddress) (at <ad50157ee00e45cdb3c8bd67012f8804>:0)
If I set it to "On" or "Off", conversations work properly and there are no console errors.
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Tony Li
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Re: Switching quest log languages

Post by Tony Li »


Regarding the error, is a GameObject/prefab with a StandardDialogueUI component assigned to your Dialogue Manager GameObject's Display Settings > Dialogue UI field?

The "[new]" indicator and quest group display names didn't make it into 2.2.35. I'll try to get them into a patch here soon after GDC.
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Re: Switching quest log languages

Post by rairun »

Thanks for that!
Regarding the error, is a GameObject/prefab with a StandardDialogueUI component assigned to your Dialogue Manager GameObject's Display Settings > Dialogue UI field?
Ah, no, the assigned gameobject is still using UnityUIDialogueUI. Has this been deprecated and replaced?

My Dialogue UI is a very simplistic one. I send the actual speech lines to Adventure Creator using ACSpeech(entrytag)@0.6, so there is no need for DS subtitle menus. For dialogue, the only DS menu I use is the response one (I also use the quest log UI, but this is unrelated to dialogue).
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Tony Li
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Re: Switching quest log languages

Post by Tony Li »


It's just a bug that's specific to using UnityUIDialogueUI with Extra warmup. This patch (tested with DS 2.2.35) fixes it:

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Re: Switching quest log languages

Post by rairun »

Thank you! The patch above fixed the issue.

Where should I keep an eye out for the other patch you mentioned? Do you generally post an announcement? Just want to make sure I don't miss it.
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Tony Li
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Re: Switching quest log languages

Post by Tony Li »

It'll be on the Extras page. I'm still digging out from a backlog after GDC, but I'll get it implemented as soon as I can.
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Re: Switching quest log languages

Post by rairun »

Hi Tony! I'm so sorry to be a nuisance, but do you have a rough idea when those two feature requests I made above will be out? I'm very happy to work around whatever timeline you have in mind -- I'm just trying to work out what to prioritise now, and whether it'll impact the demo I'm hoping to put out in the coming months.
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Tony Li
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Re: Switching quest log languages

Post by Tony Li »


You can download the patch from the Extras page, or right here:


To show "[new]" next to quests that the player hasn't viewed the details of yet, set your quest log window's New Quest Text field to "[new]". This field supports [em#] codes, rich text codes, and localized text table entries.

To use quest group display names, add a custom Text field named "Group Display Name" to the quest. It won't appear in the main editing section, but you can view and edit it in the All Fields section.
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Re: Switching quest log languages

Post by rairun »

Thank you! Both features work great.

The [new] text is working almost as I wanted it to, except for the fact that when I change a subtask within a quest, it should ideally turn the quest's "viewed" status back to false. I've adjusted ActionDialogueSystemQuestSet.cs like this:

Code: Select all

        override public float Run()
            if (mode == Mode.MainState)
                QuestLog.SetQuestState(questName, questState);
                DialogueLua.SetQuestField(questName, "Viewed", false);
                QuestLog.SetQuestEntryState(questName, entryNumber, questState);
                DialogueLua.SetQuestField(questName, "Viewed", false);
            return 0;
So I think I'm good. But I figured I'd mention this here in case anyone else wants to do the same.

Thanks again!
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