Short Subtitles as Barks disabling text too soon

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Tony Li
Posts: 21636
Joined: Thu Jul 18, 2013 1:27 pm

Short Subtitles as Barks disabling text too soon

Post by Tony Li »

For the benefit of other readers, we ended up using a custom dialogue UI that uses the participants' bark UIs. It hides all active barks when a conversation begins, and ensures that only one participant's bark is active at a time. Here's the basic code:

using UnityEngine;

using UnityEngine.UI;

namespace PixelCrushers.DialogueSystem


/// <summary>

/// This is a variation of UnityUIDialogueUI that uses the speaker's bark UI for subtitles.

/// </summary>

public class UnityUIBarkSubtitleDialogueUICustom : UnityUIDialogueUI


private UnityUIBarkUI lastBarkUI = null;

public override void Open()





public override void Close()





public override void ShowSubtitle(Subtitle subtitle)


var barkUI = subtitle.speakerInfo.transform.GetComponentInChildren<UnityUIBarkUI>();

if (barkUI != lastBarkUI) HideBarkUI(lastBarkUI);

lastBarkUI = barkUI;




private void HideBarkUI(UnityUIBarkUI barkUI)


if (barkUI != null)





private void HideAllBarks()


foreach (var barkUI in FindObjectsOfType<UnityUIBarkUI>())


if (barkUI.IsPlaying) barkUI.OnBarkEnd();




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