Experiencing Strange Issues with the Bark Bubble UI

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Experiencing Strange Issues with the Bark Bubble UI

Post by 2linescrossed »

Hey, I've been experiencing some strange issues with my barks currently.

So, my characters and game are running primarily on a canvas-based Image system as it's a Visual Novel format, but what ends up happening when a bark is spawned -
The bark spawns, but then rockets up to snap to a position above the character, even though I've set the barks to have a massive negative Y offset.
I'm guessing this MAY be happening because I've animated the character to bob up and down, but I've never even seen the barks move like this before.
In the past I was using a much shoddier workflow where characters were sprite-based, (which later caused problems due to layering issues), but in those cases, I guess due to the parenting situation, the sprites didn't actually move the positioning, which may be why the bark bubble didn't move back then.
I'm not sure where to start fixing this situation - but I would like the bark bubble to appear near the character - but not necessarily follow the animation's movement.
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Tony Li
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Re: Experiencing Strange Issues with the Bark Bubble UI

Post by Tony Li »


I assume your canvas-based Images are on a Screen Space canvas?

If so, consider using Screen Space canvases for your bark UIs, too. That way you can place them exactly where you want on the screen.
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