Dialog System with Adventure Creator integration isn't picking up inputs

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Dialog System with Adventure Creator integration isn't picking up inputs

Post by SpecificImpulse »

Hey, all!

Loving the package so far, since all its features are things that I really wanted to have that Adventure Creator didn't come packaged with. I think I've screwed something up with my adventure creator integration, however: I can't click on either the Continue button for dialog, or dialog options. DS just doesn't seem to be acknowledging my mouse's input.

I have some custom scripts that switch input on the fly between mouse and keyboard/controller for Adventure Creator, but those shouldn't be interacting with DS in any way, since on scene start it uses the default mouse setup AC has.

Is there some setting I should be checking in either AC or DS setups that might be preventing it from accepting mouse input?
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Tony Li
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Re: Dialog System with Adventure Creator integration isn't picking up inputs

Post by Tony Li »


Make sure the scene has an EventSystem and that dialogue UI's Canvas has a GraphicRaycaster.

If those check out, are there any errors or warnings in the Console window?

If not, what input system are you using? Unity's built-in input manager? Input System package? Rewired? etc.
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Re: Dialog System with Adventure Creator integration isn't picking up inputs

Post by SpecificImpulse »

I'm using the Unity Input System, not the Input Manager. No rewired or any other 3rd party add-ons.

That actually lead me down the right path. The standard EventSystem has that module has the button to add the standard inputs, but I somehow missed pressing it. Pressed it, and it threw a warning that it wasn't compatible because it uses the old Event Manager.

So I added an Input System UI Input Module component, and it SEEMS to work.

You think that was it, or might that break something else down the road?
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Tony Li
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Re: Dialog System with Adventure Creator integration isn't picking up inputs

Post by Tony Li »

No, that's probably it. If you switch to the Input System package, you must update your EventSystem GameObject to use an InputSystemUIInputModule instead of StandaloneInputModule or UI input won't work.
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