SendMessageOnDialogueEvent.OnConversationEnd Potential Issue?

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SendMessageOnDialogueEvent.OnConversationEnd Potential Issue?

Post by andrew2110 »


I'm trying to do a conversation where if the user walks out of an area, the player character speaks to themself saying "Oh I promised I'd help out Ted" and then they're forced back into the area where they need to complete the quest. To achieve this I'm using OnConversationEnd in SendMessageOnDialogueEvent, this works great for all the other conversations with NPC's in the game, however for this one conversation I've found it doesn't work, unless I set the Conservant for the conversation to be any other random NPC. Is this the expected behaviour for the component?
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Tony Li
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SendMessageOnDialogueEvent.OnConversationEnd Potential Issue?

Post by Tony Li »


Would you please post the inspector view of your SendMessageOnDialogueEvent component, and whatever target is receiving the message? I wouldn't think that the conversant would matter.

Also, if you'd like to email an example project to tony (at), I'll be happy to take a look.
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SendMessageOnDialogueEvent.OnConversationEnd Potential Issue?

Post by andrew2110 »

On looking further into it, it was pretty dumb what I was doing, the "Actor" and the "Conversant" were the same, even just setting the Actor to "Player" and the Conversant to "None", makes it all work properly. is a screenshot which shows how the SendMessageOnDialogue component is set up. After realising what I was telling it do was dumb, I don't really think it's a bug on DialogueSystems part - but perhaps it should kick me and tell me I'm being stupid if I select "Player" as both the actor and conversant. this doesn't work (it does the conversation, but not the SendMessageOnDialogueEvents) this does fire the events.

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SendMessageOnDialogueEvent.OnConversationEnd Potential Issue?

Post by andrew2110 »

I just realised that I've not reviewed this yet in the Asset Store! There is no way my game would be nearly complete without it so I'll go and do that now :)
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Tony Li
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SendMessageOnDialogueEvent.OnConversationEnd Potential Issue?

Post by Tony Li »

Thanks! I really appreciate the review, and I'm glad the Dialogue System is proving useful to your game. I'm putting together a showcase page of games that are released or in development that use the Dialogue System. May I include yours? If so, would you please send a few screenshots and a short description or a web link to tony (at)

Thanks for the suggestion -- In the next version, there'll be a console warning if the actor and conversant are the same.
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