Showing Adventure Creator cursor during conversations

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Showing Adventure Creator cursor during conversations

Post by cabbageman »

Hi, I've been trying to use Dialogue System to replace the stock one in Adventure Creator, but I can't seem to get the cursor to appear during conversations, which makes selecting dialogue options very difficult as I'm sure you could imagine. I've applied the AC bridge script as well as the show cursor on conversation script to the dialogue manager, but that doesn't seem to do it. Any ideas about what I'm doing wrong?
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Tony Li
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Showing Adventure Creator cursor during conversations

Post by Tony Li »


Adventure Creator (AC) keeps the cursor hidden when it's in normal gameplay mode. To show the cursor, the bridge script needs to put AC in dialog options mode (DialogState).

On the bridge script, set Use Dialog State to Always if you always want to show the cursor. You can use this if you know that all conversations will involve the player.

If NPCs can engage in conversations without the player (e.g., the player can run around and eavesdrop but not participate), set it to If Player Involved.  If Player Involved will only be true if the following conditions are met:

1. The conversation's actor in the dialogue database is a player character (i.e., the IsPlayer field is true), and

2. The player is assigned to the Conversation Trigger or action's Actor field. You can let the Third Party: Dialogue System conversation action automatically assign the current player to the action's Actor field by leaving the field unassigned.

You can find more details in the bridge script documentation.

There's a utility script in Third Party Support/Adventure Creator/Scripts that will show AC's current mode in the upper left corner of the game view. You can add it to the Dialogue Manager GameObject if you want to make sure your conversations are setting the right mode.
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Showing Adventure Creator cursor during conversations

Post by cabbageman »

Thanks for the quick reply! I used the show game state script and that revealed the problem to me right away; Adventure Creator is going into cutscene mode when the dialogue system conversation starts. Is this something wrong on the dialogue system side or should I head over to the AC forum?

Edit: this is happening with "use dialog state" set to "always".
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Tony Li
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Showing Adventure Creator cursor during conversations

Post by Tony Li »


It might be an outdated Dialogue System file, or an issue with an old version of Adventure Creator. Try this:

1. Delete the folder "Dialogue System/Third Party Support/Adventure Creator".

2. Download and import this package: AdventureCreator_Support_1_4_4.unitypackage .

(Note for future readers: If this link doesn't work, get the latest version from the Pixel Crushers customer download site instead.)

3. Open AC's Game Editor and, on the Actions tab, click Refresh List.

4. Play the example scene (Dialogue System/Third Party Support/Adventure Creator/Example/Example) and make sure the GameState changes from Cutscene to DialogOptions when the Dialogue System version of Tin Pot's conversation comes up (right after the backdrop falls down behind Brain).

4. If it still doesn't work, try updating Adventure Creator.

If it still doesn't work after that, please feel free to send an example project to tony (at) If it's too big for email, let me know and I'll send you FTP site information.
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Showing Adventure Creator cursor during conversations

Post by cabbageman »

It seems I am using an older AC, I'm sure that's the issue now. I'll update that and hopefully that will amend the problem. Thanks for all your help!
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Tony Li
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Showing Adventure Creator cursor during conversations

Post by Tony Li »

If updating AC doesn't fix the issue, please feel free to send an example project to tony (at) I'll be happy to take a look.
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