Adventure Creator - Load save mid-conversation

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Adventure Creator - Load save mid-conversation

Post by Caidran »

Hi Tony,

In my game I use Adventure Creators save/load system and DS for the dialogue throughout the game. It's a visual novel type game and as such there is almost always a conversation active that is carrying the player through the game. I'm having issues saving and then loading back into the conversation where I left it.

As a temporary work around, I have been using conversation triggers to get the conversation running again from the start however this isn't ideal for anyone else who plays the game. I have attached the RememberCurrentDialogueEntry script to the Dialogue Manager however whilst I can see that conversation states are being recorded correctly, there is never a restoring conversation log entry. I'm guessing the script isn't designed to be run with AC as everything else looks OK from what I can see.

Do you have any ideas on this one?

Thanks for your support!
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Tony Li
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Re: Adventure Creator - Load save mid-conversation

Post by Tony Li »


Did you add the Dialogue System Saver script to AC's PersistentEngine prefab as described in the AC Support page's Saving and Loading section?
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Re: Adventure Creator - Load save mid-conversation

Post by Caidran »

Yep, got it added and set to ID 999999.
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Tony Li
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Re: Adventure Creator - Load save mid-conversation

Post by Tony Li »

Hmm, this is what I did in the Dialogue System's AC Example scene, and it seems to work:

1. Set the Dialogue Manager's Input Settings > Cancel Conversation key to None so I can use Escape to open AC's menu during conversations.

2. On the Dialogue Manager, set the Adventure Creator Bridge's Use Dialog State dropdown to Never, since AC won't normally let you save a game when it's in the dialog state.

3. Added the Remember Current Dialogue Entry script to the Dialogue Manager.

4. Added the Dialogue System Saver script to the PersistentEngine prefab. Set its Constant ID to 9999, and ticked Retain in prefab.

Then I played the scene and talked to "TrashCan Copper Pot". During the conversation, I pressed Escape and saved the game. Then I finished the conversation and reloaded. It reloaded back into the conversation.
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Re: Adventure Creator - Load save mid-conversation

Post by DragoonHP »

Hey Tony
Tony Li wrote: Sun Mar 04, 2018 5:27 pm 3. Added the Remember Current Dialogue Entry script to the Dialogue Manager.
This script doesn't exist anymore.
Also AC pause menu is behaving weirdly when opened during a dialogue conversation. The save button doesn't appear, but if I call it manually, I can still save the game.

Also, a bigger issue:
* If I either save or load a game, I can't load or save another game.
* If I load another game file, the game just pretends I have not loaded another file when I try to load another save file and continues diplaying the next line as if nothing happened
* If I save another game, the game just saves it at the line where the last loaded game had dropped us.

If its of any help, I'm on AC 1.66.8, DS 2.1.2 and Unity 2018.2.20f1
All background (image) gameObjects have Remember Visibility component attached.
In the Global Variable, there is a variable called DialogueSystemEnvironment set to Type "string"

(Include Sim Status is Unticked)

PS: I'm not sure if it helps but there is another issue where clicking on any AC menu button passes the click to the Continue button too so that Dialogue goes forward one more node.
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Tony Li
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Re: Adventure Creator - Load save mid-conversation

Post by Tony Li »


Are you using this in conjunction with the Dialogue System's visual novel starter framework? If so, I haven't tested AC and the VN framework together; I don't know if there are any conflicts.

The Remember Current Dialogue Entry script was renamed to Conversation State Saver. Since AC doesn't save its own dialogues mid-dialogue, at least the last time I checked, to line up with AC I haven't tested AC saves while a Dialogue System conversation is active. If the Conversation State Saver doesn't handle it for you, let me know.
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Re: Adventure Creator - Load save mid-conversation

Post by DragoonHP »

Tony Li wrote: Sun Feb 17, 2019 8:49 am Are you using this in conjunction with the Dialogue System's visual novel starter framework?
Tony Li wrote: Sun Feb 17, 2019 8:49 am The Remember Current Dialogue Entry script was renamed to Conversation State Saver
This seems to have solved it.

Though another issue has come up. After loading a save file, the background doesn't change.
For example:
* We are currently showing backgroundOne
* We load a save file which should show backgroundThree
* After loading the save file. the background is still backgroundOne

Do I need to attach some other script to some object?
Edit: Also now AC allows saving mid-dialogue if you turn on "Allow regular gameplay during Conversations?" in Settings > Interface section. I haven't tested it though (I turned it on for testing the background issue and it still persists)
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Tony Li
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Re: Adventure Creator - Load save mid-conversation

Post by Tony Li »


Remember Visibility is entirely on the AC side. The Dialogue System shouldn't be involved in that. Make sure it's configured correctly, and that there aren't any errors or warnings in the Console window related to it.
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Re: Adventure Creator - Load save mid-conversation

Post by DragoonHP »

I know.
When I save in AC/non-dialogue mode, it saves the showing background correctly.

But when I do it when inside dialogue mode, it doesn't save the showing image. Any workaround for that?
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Tony Li
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Re: Adventure Creator - Load save mid-conversation

Post by Tony Li »

Does the conversation contain any sequencer commands that show or hide background images? Is it possible that these are running -- or not running -- when you don't expect them to?
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