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Can you undo 'delete conversation'?

Posted: Wed May 17, 2017 1:28 pm
by chud575
Hi Tony,

OMG I just accidentally deleted a convo I spent hours working on with no backup. Can this be undone? If not - for gods sake - put in a confirmation screen!

Re: Can you undo 'delete conversation'?

Posted: Wed May 17, 2017 2:58 pm
by Tony Li
Oh no! The current confirmation dialog is:

Delete 'Conversation Title'
Are you sure you want to delete this conversation?
[Delete] [Cancel]

I'll add a note that it can't be undone.

Better yet, I'll see if I can redesign the deletion so it can be undone. (But I can't promise that it can be implemented.) I'll also implement timed auto-backups.

Did you by any chance export it to CSV for localization, or copy it somewhere?

Re: Can you undo 'delete conversation'?

Posted: Wed May 17, 2017 3:55 pm
by chud575
okay this is really weird - I tried to delete another convo and did in fact get the pop up. I wonder why or how this could've happened. Alright i'll let you know if it happens again

Re: Can you undo 'delete conversation'?

Posted: Wed May 17, 2017 4:11 pm
by Tony Li
I'm sorry you lost the original conversation. At least it's been helpful to bring up because now I'll make the pop-up message clearer and add timed auto-backups.

Re: Can you undo 'delete conversation'?

Posted: Sun May 21, 2017 3:07 pm
by Tony Li
A beta version 1.7.1b1 is available on the Pixel Crushers customer download site. It adds timed auto-backups (which default to every 10 minutes) and clarifies in the confirmation window that Delete Conversation can't be undone. If anyone needs access to the site, please PM me your Unity Asset Store invoice number.