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Can't disable head movement

Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2015 10:43 pm
by SuperSparkplug
Hi there,

I've been wrestling with this problem for a while now. I'm trying to make this conversation system work from a first person player controller. When I enter conversation states, I cannot stop the head from moving up and down in the Y direction, meaning that when I got to choose my dialogue choice at the bottom of the screen, my head constantly moves. As far as I can tell, I told the system to disable movement and other functions while its in a conversation, disabled closeup, and set my enabler to set all of my player character's scripts to false. However the issue still persists.

How do I make my first person camera not move when I'm in a dialogue state?

Can't disable head movement

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2015 3:45 am
by Tony Li

Your camera GameObject probably has a second MouseLook script. Often the player object has a left/right MouseLook, and the camera has an up/down MouseLook. Use Set Component Enabled On Dialogue Event to disable this script, too.

The easiest way to do this is to lock the inspector view on your player object. (Click the padlock icon in the upper right of the inspector.) Then open another inspector by right-clicking on a different tab, such as the Scene view tab, and selecting Inspector. Then select your camera. This way, you can drag the camera's MouseLook to the player's Set Enabled On Dialogue Event component.

Re: Can't disable head movement

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2021 10:11 pm
by DearDeerDee
Hi Tony, I'm also having this issue atm.

I have a camera game object as the player's child game object, and the camera looks around whenever I move my mouse in conversation.
Your camera GameObject probably has a second MouseLook script. Often the player object has a left/right MouseLook, and the camera has an up/down MouseLook. Use Set Component Enabled On Dialogue Event to disable this script, too.
I don't have ta mouseLook script attached to my camera game object. The attached components are all camera properties, post effects and etc. What should I do to disable camera moving then?

Re: Can't disable head movement

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2021 9:08 am
by Tony Li

Some script is moving the camera in response to mouse input. See if you can locate that script. It's most likely on the camera or on the player GameObject.