Sure, you can use an alert or a bark.
You don't need any scripting at all. You could use these steps:
1. Add a DS Boolean variable such as "PulledFirstLever" whose Initial Value is false.
2. On the first lever, add a Usable component and a Dialogue System Trigger set to OnUse. Select Add Action > Run Lua Code. Set the Lua Code field to:
Code: Select all
Variable["PulledFirstLeverl"] = true
You could also use Add Action > Play Sequencer to play audio (e.g., maybe a click audio), or Add Action > Show Alert for some visual feedback.
3. On the second lever, add a Usable component and a Dialogue System Trigger set to OnUse. Set the Conditions > Lua Conditions to:
Code: Select all
Variable["PulledFirstLeverl"] == true
Then select Add Action and some action such as Bark or Alert or Play Sequence to do something when the second lever is pulled.
4. On the second lever, you could also add another Dialogue System Trigger set to OnUse -- but this time set the Conditions > Lua Conditions to:
Code: Select all
Variable["PulledFirstLeverl"] ~= true
Then select Add Action and some action such as Show Alert: "You must pull the first lever before pulling this lever."
5. Use a Selector or Proximity Selector to interact with these Dialogue System Triggers. If you're using your own interaction system instead, you can configure your interaction system to call the Dialogue System Triggers' OnUse() methods.