Updating to 5.5 should be fine. If you upgraded from 5.2 or earlier, make sure to import the 5.3+ version of the Dialogue System. It really doesn't affect anything functionally, but it silences harmless "deprecated API call" warnings.
angelmcc wrote:Could this be related to IDs?
It could be. If you're loading multiple databases, in general IDs should be unique across them. You can run databases A and B through the
Unique ID Tool to make them unique.
(If you're creating these databases at runtime, use the
DatabaseMerger class to merge them into a single database with unique IDs.)
If conversations in databases A and B share the same ID, one will overwrite the other when they're loaded into memory at runtime. Links between dialogue entry nodes work by ID, so this could be causing the issue.
You could also try temporarily setting your Dialogue Manager's
Debug Level to
Info. This will log a lot of information to the Console window. Look for a line like this:
Dialogue System: Starting conversation '
title', actor=
character1, conversant=
title is the title of the conversation that the Dialogue System is starting.
If it's the correct title, open the Dialogue Editor window to that conversation at runtime. At runtime, the editor shows the current node in green, with links shown in green or red depending on their Conditions.
If it's not the correct title, it's possible your Conversation Trigger or code is pointing to the wrong conversation.
If none of that helps, please feel free to send an example project to tony (at) pixelcrushers.com. I'll be happy to take a look.