Help with Save System Integration for Opsive Controllers

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Help with Save System Integration for Opsive Controllers

Post by aliambere »

Hi everyone,

I am currently working on integrating the Pixel Crushers Save System with Opsive’s Ultimate Character Controller, but I’m running into some issues. I’ve followed the documentation as best as I can, but I’m a bit lost when it comes to making sure the save system properly saves and loads character stats, inventory, and position.

I also check this: Quest Machine and Opsive Save Systemokta But I have not found any solution. Could anyone guide me about this? Could anyone guide me through the process or point me to any additional resources that might help? I’d appreciate any tips or examples from those who’ve already implemented this successfully.

Thanks in advance!
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Tony Li
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Re: Help with Save System Integration for Opsive Controllers

Post by Tony Li »


Here are the steps to set up the Save System:

1. Add the "Save System" prefab to your scene. At a minimum, this prefab should be in the first scene in build settings. But you can add it to every scene so you can playtest those scenes directly without having to arrive from the first scene.

Optional: Add the DemoLoadingScreen scene to build settings. Set the Standard Scene Transition Manager component's Loading Scene Name to "DemoLoadingScreen" (without quotes). This will show a loading screen while loading the game or changing scenes.

2. Add a UCC Saver component to your player GameObject. Set the Key to something unique such as "playerSaver"

3. Optionally add the Save System Test Menu prefab to the scene. This will provide a quick way to test saving and loading. It assumes you're using Unity's built-in input manager, although it's possible to configure it to use the Input System package or Rewired. By default, press Escape to open the menu.

Use the Scene Portal prefab or SaveSystemMethods component or SaveSystem C# API to change scenes.
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