When you move the camera using the Camera() command, it will stay there until the sequence ends. If you want to make the sequence last for a specific amount of time, use the Delay() command. For example:
Code: Select all
Camera(Full Back, Boy123);
This will move to the camera to a Full Back angle of Boy123. The camera will stay there for 10 seconds.
However, if your gameplay scripts also control the camera, you must temporarily disable them during the sequence. Otherwise the gameplay scripts will move the camera.
There are two ways to temporarily disable the gameplay scripts:
1. Use the
SetEnabled() sequencer command:
Code: Select all
Camera(Full Back, Boy123);
At [0:00], this sequence will find a GameObject named "Player" and disable its SmoothCameraFollow and MouseLook components.
At [0:10], it will re-enable the components.
2. Or add a
Set Component Enabled On Dialogue Event component to the Sequence Trigger. Set the Trigger to OnSequence. In the OnStart section, assign the components and set them False. In the OnEnd section, assign the components and set them True.
If a sequence doesn't work the way you expect, temporarily set the Dialogue Manager's Debug Level to Info. This will log activity to the Console window. It should help you determine what each command is doing.