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Send Navigation Events keeps turning off?

Posted: Mon Aug 12, 2024 9:29 pm
by ericlevalley
Hey so I've been using Dialogue System For Unity and am loving it! But I've recently run into a problem after I got an inventory system asset. Basically the "Send Navigation Events" tickbox under "System Events" keeps unticking itself when the inventory isn't actively being used.
This obviously means that I'm not able to pick dialogue choices. If I manually hit the tickbox with my mouse while in game - it works again, but then if I open the inventory and close it, the tickbox is yet again...unticked.

Is there a bit of code or something that will make it so that the tickbox is auto-ticked when I initiate a convo with an NPC?
Or should I try attacking this from the other side and see if I can do something about the inventory system??

Any help would be appreciated! I'm kind of losing my mind here haha!! :lol:

Re: Send Navigation Events keeps turning off?

Posted: Mon Aug 12, 2024 10:07 pm
by Tony Li

More Mountains' Inventory Engine, right? It automatically unticks Send Navigation Events except when its inventory UI is open.

Add a Dialogue System Inventory Event Listener component to the Dialogue Manager GameObject, and tick Update Quest Tracker. Inventory Engine disables UI navigation while the inventory is closed. This component adds two helper methods that you can call in scripts or assign to UnityEvents such as the OnConversationStart() event in a Dialogue System Events component on the player GameObject, or the free Dialogue System Menu Framework's OnPause and OnUnpause events:
  • SetEventSystemNavigationEvents: Enables Unity UI navigation.
  • SetInventoryInputManager: Enables/disables inventory input (e.g., open/close inventory).

Re: Send Navigation Events keeps turning off?

Posted: Tue Aug 13, 2024 8:49 am
by ericlevalley
Thank you so much! I got it!!
Although I did have to import the third party stuff to get the "Dialogue System Inventory Event Listener", which I found out about here - (for anyone who might be reading this and trying to figure it out) ... ngine.html

Thanks again for the fast and detailed response! I'm telling every man, woman, and child I know to buy Dialogue System for Unity! 8-)

Re: Send Navigation Events keeps turning off?

Posted: Tue Aug 13, 2024 9:05 am
by Tony Li
Thanks! And glad to help!