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Wrong prefab on build

Posted: Sat Jul 27, 2024 11:53 am
by perezbalen
Im having this weird behavior and I can’t seem to find the cause.
Im running adventure creator and dialogue system together. When I play in the editor, everything works fine, but when I build, the following thing happens:
The text in the dialogue options don’t display the dialogue text but the placeholder text “New text”. In all the options. (But clicking those texts work as intended.)It also uses the font of a different prefab. Its like the build uses a different dialogue manager prefab than when i run it in the editor. It happens in webgl and on a windows build.
Any ides what can be happening?

Re: Wrong prefab on build

Posted: Sat Jul 27, 2024 2:41 pm
by perezbalen
Figured it out.
This is what happened in case it helps anyone else.
The menu scene (which is the first scene in the build order) had a Dialogue Manager (that it didn't use so I forgot it was there). So when I run a scene in the editor, I run the Dialogue manager I've been using and working on. But when I built the game, the game loaded the old dialogue manager, and when the first gameplay scene was loaded, the game kept using the old dialogue manager from the main menu.
So I deleted the old dialogue manager from the main menu, and this solved the problem.

Re: Wrong prefab on build

Posted: Sat Jul 27, 2024 9:55 pm
by Tony Li
Glad you found the issue!