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Show one quest at a time

Posted: Wed Jul 24, 2024 1:11 am
by cyber
Hi sir , I have one more issue that Suppose I put 10 hand written independent quest under quest giver. Now I want to show only 1 quest at a time in dialouge. currently it is showing multiple quest with "can u help me out of these" text. How can I achive that.

Re: Show one quest at a time

Posted: Wed Jul 24, 2024 8:14 am
by Tony Li

You can make a subclass of QuestGiver to use on that NPC in place of the original QuestGiver class. Override the StartMostRelevantDialogue() method. Something like:

Code: Select all

public class MyQuestGiver : QuestGiver
    protected override void StartMostRelevantDialogue()
        bool mustShowSpecificQuest = string.IsNullOrEmpty(overrideQuestIDToShowInDialogue);
        bool onlyHasMultipleOfferableQuests = !mustShowSpecificQuest &&
            offerableQuests.Count > 1 &&  
            activeQuests.Count == 0 && 
            nonOfferableQuests == 0;
         if (onlyHasMultipleOfferableQuests)
            // If NPC only has offerable quests to show, show only the first offerable quest:
            // Otherwise use the default dialogue behavior: