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How to show Response menu immediately when the PC subtitles start being displayed (and while they are being written out)

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2024 12:54 pm
by Davids
How to show Response menu immediately when the PC subtitles start being displayed (and while they are being written out Not after that) and be able to select some options and proceed to the next event before the subtitle text is finished being written

Something similar to what is shown in "The Way of Wrath" game that use this plugin
or "Fears to Fathom" series


Re: How to show Response menu immediately when the PC subtitles start being displayed (and while they are being written

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2024 4:19 pm
by Tony Li

Make a subclass of StandardUISubtitlePanel and override the FinishSubtitle() method to not stop the typewriter:

Code: Select all

public class MySubtitlePanel : StandardUISubtitlePanel
    public override void FinishSubtitle()
Use this in place of your StandardUISubtitlePanel component.

Then configure the subtitle to stop right away (e.g., set Sequence / Default Sequence to "Continue()@0"). More info: How To: Control the Duration of Subtitle Text

Re: How to show Response menu immediately when the PC subtitles start being displayed (and while they are being written

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2024 5:30 pm
by Davids
Thanks, it works fine...

I'm not good at programming, and I don't understand the override process. Just dragging the MySubtitlePanel.cs file to the inspector for the StandardUISubtitlePanel script in the Subtitle Panel doesn't seem to make any change, so I overwrote the source to:

Code: Select all

public virtual void FinishSubtitle()
            //var typewriter = GetTypewriter();
            //if (typewriter != null && typewriter.isPlaying) typewriter.Stop();
Anyway, with the Continue()@0, it works fine.

Re: How to show Response menu immediately when the PC subtitles start being displayed (and while they are being written

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2024 5:54 pm
by Tony Li

I provided a link (here too) that explains how to replace the StandardUISubtitlePanel component with a subclass. I recommend doing this if you feel up to it. Otherwise you will need to remember to make the same change to StandardUISubtitlePanel.cs again when you update the Dialogue System, since the update will overwrite StandardUISubtitlePanel.cs with the original version.