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Sequnser camera

Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2024 3:06 pm
by hrohibil
Hi Toni

I was having issue with setting up an empty an use that transform as a camera point.

So i followed your tut on assigning a camera as a Sequnser camera.

I setup and placed the camera where i wanted it and added this to the dialouge manager Sequnser field.
Now my question is, what about in another scenario meaning if i placed this camera in font of the NPC , what about my next dialouge, where i also want to have a specific place with the camera ? How can i reuse the camera which is already placed in another area?

BTW, can we control the NPC animator during a dialouge? I want to play a specidic animation but only during the dialouge

Re: Sequnser camera

Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2024 8:49 pm
by Tony Li

I recommend watching the Cutscene Sequence Tutorial videos. They'll answer all of those questions better than I can in a single reply here.