How should I go about using the Save System for Visual Novel Values?

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How should I go about using the Save System for Visual Novel Values?

Post by 2linescrossed »

Heya! I've been looking into the documentation for the save system, but I've been wondering how I should go about adding in additional values for the sake of saving? Apologies for my inexperience, as I've never made my own save systems before, so I'm trying to get my bearings on it.

Specifically, there are a lot of integer values I want to account for, as well as flags. While I can assume the save system is already very compatible with the dialog database's variables, I probably shouldn't be keeping most of my ints inside of the Dialogue Database.

I have to keep track of quite a few values, as there are eleven main characters in the game (so far), each of whom can interact with the player as well as each other. So there's values/number flags that check how many conversations have been progressed through per character, as well as relationship values with the player.

Anyway, I'll keep it brief for now - but what's the best way of handling this? Do I just make a separate script that has 'the master data', and sync it with whatever is saving the dialogue database's systems?
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Tony Li
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Re: How should I go about using the Save System for Visual Novel Values?

Post by Tony Li »


There are two ways to do this:

1. The simplest from a code perspective is to use Dialogue System variables in your dialogue database. They automatically get saved in your saved games, and you can see their values at runtime in the Dialogue Editor's Watches tab. Tip: Use "." in your variable names to group them into submenus in dropdowns.

2. Or write a custom saver. A custom saver can save other data, such as variables in your own C# scripts.
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