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Followed quick start but doesnt work

Posted: Thu May 16, 2024 1:15 pm
by bennieb
hi i followed the quick start but no dialog boxes show up, im trying to make a horror game with a dialog system and this was the one i choose i have a player already that im using that i tried attatching dialog system to and it didnt work i didnt get the hi goodbye

Re: Followed quick start but doesnt work

Posted: Thu May 16, 2024 2:05 pm
by bennieb
now i have it showing its going in to the first node and the canvas its suppose to show on is not in my players view it just flshes black

Re: Followed quick start but doesnt work

Posted: Thu May 16, 2024 3:51 pm
by Tony Li

I'm sorry, I don't understand what you mean by: "it just flshes black"

Can you please clarify?

Are you making a VR game? If so, you will need to change the Canvas's mode to World Space or Screen Space - Camera.

If you follow the quick start tutorial exactly as shown in the video, without any changes, does it work correctly? If so, we can work forward from there.

Re: Followed quick start but doesnt work

Posted: Thu May 16, 2024 4:27 pm
by bennieb
im doing it with cinemachine with 3rd person follow and when i start it just flashs black in front of the player camera. when i watch in scene view its just a full canvas flashing black

Re: Followed quick start but doesnt work

Posted: Thu May 16, 2024 5:21 pm
by Tony Li

Cinemachine and 3rd person follow should be fine.

Are you using the default Dialogue Manager prefab located in Assets / Plugins / Pixel Crushers / Dialogue System / Prefabs?

If so, are you using it unmodified except for creating and assigning a dialogue database to it?

Does DemoScene1 play properly in your project?

Re: Followed quick start but doesnt work

Posted: Thu May 16, 2024 5:53 pm
by bennieb
hi thank you for answering

yes im using the default dialogue prefab i hadnt changed anythingat first but when things werent working i messed around with the setup wizard on the dialogue system and player

the demo scene doesnt really play... well it probably would if i updated everything to hdurp but because i havent its just pink and shinny and hurts my eyes

Re: Followed quick start but doesnt work

Posted: Thu May 16, 2024 7:14 pm
by Tony Li

Please import the HDRP materials for the demo scene from the Dialogue System Extras page (direct download).

Then make sure DemoScene1 works. (Talk to the soldier NPC, Private Hart.)

If that works, please try the Quick Start again starting with a new, empty scene without modifying any of the steps.

If that works, then add the basic Dialogue Manager prefab to your own scene. Create a dialogue database and a conversation in it. Then add a Dialogue System Trigger component to the scene, set it to OnStart, and select Add Action > Start Conversation and select your conversation. Then play the scene.