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question about subtitle

Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2024 12:28 am
by joeylu
Hi Tony,
Is it possible to showing multiple lines in one subtitle (perhaps from one dialogue entry) in a sequence?
For instance, there's a Dialogoue Entry:
"The little boy picks an axe. He laughs, then he left"

I'd like to break it to 3 lines, but showing within one subtitle box, something like:
"The little boy picks an axe"
"He laughs"
"He left"

Even better, if I can set a delay between each lines to display
My first thought is that seeking possibility with TextMeshPro GUI tags, but no luck (or I missed it)
My second solution is to implement something like custom dialogue sequence and analyze custom tags then reformat the text

What's your advice? tks

Re: question about subtitle

Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2024 8:57 am
by Tony Li

If you want to accumulate all lines, you can tick the subtitle panel's Accumulate Text checkbox. This is how games like Disco Elysium work.

If you only want to do it in very specific places, I recommend using RPG Maker-style control codes. Example:
  • Entry 1: "The little boy picks an axe."
  • Entry 2: "\>The little boy picks an axe.\< \n He laughs."
  • Entry 2: "\>The little boy picks an axe \n He laughs.\< \n He left."
You can use actual line breaks where I put "\n". Or you can use "\n" to indicate a line break. Using "\n" was just easier to show in the forum's list format above.

Re: question about subtitle

Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2024 10:21 am
by joeylu
tks Tony, but what if I need a delay in each line in one subtitle box? for instance,

"The little boy picks an axe" (wait 1 second, then show next line)
"He laughs" (wait 1 second, then show next line)
"He left"

Re: question about subtitle

Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2024 10:32 am
by Tony Li

Set the Sequence to: Delay(1)

Or, if you normally require the player to click a continue button to advance: Continue()@1

Note: If you use a typewriter effect and want to wait 1 second longer after the typing has finished, use: Delay(1)@Message(Typed)

Re: question about subtitle

Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2024 11:10 am
by joeylu
Sorry I'm confused, Isn't Delay(x) for Sequence command? Do you mean that I can put the sequence command into between the dialogue text?
Or if I didn't explain it clearly, my previous example are in one single entry, with three line breaks, so they can be displayed in one single subtitle panel. And is it possible to add a delay at the end of each line? (not each entry)

Re: question about subtitle

Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2024 11:39 am
by Tony Li
I was suggesting to use 3 separate dialogue entries with their own Sequences.

Re: question about subtitle

Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2024 12:10 pm
by joeylu
What I'm trying to achieve is that when Texts are played in the same subtitle, Each lines can be showing by order with a sequences of delays. Something like showing

3 (wait for 1 second)
2 (wait for 1 second)

to attract player's awareness, it would be much better to show above 3 lines in one subtitle box instead divided by 3 entries, I guess I need to write a custom sequence or LUA script to handle the effects.
But tks for the replies anyway, let me know if you have any different thoughts or approaches.

Re: question about subtitle

Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2024 3:44 pm
by Tony Li
The 3 separate entries would appear to the player as a single entry. But you can do it in a single entry, too, if you're using a typewriter effect:
  • Dialogue Text: "The little boy picks an axe.\.\nHe laughs.\.\n He left."
  • Sequence: Delay(1)@Message(Typed)

Re: question about subtitle

Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2024 9:55 pm
by joeylu
Ah, yes, you are totally right, I missed the \. part from your first reply
Thank you Tony

Re: question about subtitle

Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2024 10:09 pm
by Tony Li
Glad to help!