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Actor name is displayed incorrectly, as Actor id 1

Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2024 6:20 am
by Saper
Hi Tony

I have aproche some problem when Actor name displayed incorrectly.
My setup:
I have loaded 3 Databases:
1. MainDatabase (Base ID 1 )
2. DialogueDatabase (Base ID 30000 )
3. Bark Database (Base ID 200000 )

Base 2 and 3 are synced to 1 Actors
In Database 2 I created conversation in that conversation actor let's say Mike (actor ID 30008) talking with name of actor let's say Billy (actor ID 1).

If i change actor from Mike to any other it works great, also for test I did:
- Change Mike Name in Actor (still Billy name was visible not Mike)
- Added a Dialogue Actor component in scene Hierarchi for Mike (still Billy name was visible not Mike)

My question is, do you have some advice what to search and where? And what could cause that Mike Actor changed to a first actor in Dialogue DataBase?

Re: Actor name is displayed incorrectly, as Actor id 1

Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2024 9:29 am
by Tony Li

Inspect the conversation and each dialogue entry in the Dialogue Editor. Make sure the conversation's Actor or Conversant is set to Mike. Inspect each dialogue entry that's spoken by Mike. Make sure its Actor dropdown is set to Mike.