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Skipping dialogue nodes makes next character say first character's line

Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2024 7:34 am
by Keiji
Hi Tony! Been having a rather strange and probably obscure issue, but still thought you might be able to help with it :)

I noticed that when I skipped through a character(a)’s dialogue really fast, and then walked up to the next character (b), that character (b)’s first dialogue node is replaced with the last dialogue node from character (a). From the second node onward, everything is correct again.

This only happens if I talk to the next character in less than about five seconds. If I wait 5 seconds, character (b)’s first dialogue node is correct. I’m guessing that some kind of refresh happens after that.

It must be said that I use the text animator pro asset and it’s integration with your dialogue asset, And I’m using the corresponding typewriter effect and skip text script on my dialogue UI. So the issue may actually be on that side.

Do you have any idea what might be causing this? I tried a few settings on my dialogue UI and Dialogue manager, but nothing has worked so far.

Maybe I can force a refresh of what string is held in memory at the end of the conversation? I am guessing the fast skipping is skipping some kind of end of conversation function.

If you need screenshots for clarity, I am happy to take some.

Wishing you all the best, Keiji

Re: Skipping dialogue nodes makes next character say first character's line

Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2024 9:10 am
by Tony Li

I'm not aware of any issues related to that. Are there any errors or warnings in the Console window? Also, try ticking the subtitle panel's "Clear Text On Close" checkbox.