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Multiple usables in range

Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2024 3:38 am
by ds2497
Hi, I have a question about the Proximity Selector.

When there are two usables within the player's interactable range, let's say a flower and a book, the Proximity Selector initially sets the current usable to the flower because it is closer to the player. However, if the player continues moving and the book also enters the interactable range while the flower remains in range, the Proximity Selector maintains the flower as the current usable item. This is acceptable, but a problem arises when the player keeps moving and leaves the flower outside the trigger area. In this case, the Proximity Selector cannot detect the book.

This issue presents challenges during gameplay, as the player needs to constantly adjust their position to ensure that the desired item becomes the closest usable one. A similar problem occurs when the current usable item is destroyed; the second usable item remains non-interactive even when it is within range. Is there a fix for this?

Re: Multiple usables in range

Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2024 8:56 am
by Tony Li

Are you using the current version of the Dialogue System? (If not, can you back up your project and update?) The Proximity Selector should automatically switch to the book when leaving the flower.

Re: Multiple usables in range

Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2024 10:11 am
by ds2497
My bad... I might have made a mistake in my code while overriding the method...things went back to normal again when I commented out my code. The code from version 2.2.42 works fine.

Thanks for the quick reply!

Re: Multiple usables in range

Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2024 10:32 am
by Tony Li
Glad to help!