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Sequencer Camera

Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2024 10:33 am
by jrose1184

So i have a camera pointing to a game object and has assigned i to the Dialogue system squencer Camera. then in the dialogue sequence i have added Camera(Dialogue Camera,,1);

This works great and does what it needs to do my my question is this.

Because i have a custom Dialogue and its has its own prefab and when i load a new scene. The Sequencer Camera is looking for a camera that no longer exists on that scene.

So how do i change it, or what if i want Two or 3 cameras on a scene?

Re: Sequencer Camera

Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2024 11:38 am
by Tony Li

You can simplify the setup. Here are two ways:

1. If you've already placed your cameras, don't use the Camera() sequencer command. Set the special cameras' depths to be higher than the regular gameplay camera. Then deactivate their GameObjects. Then use the SetActive() sequencer command to activate them as needed. Leave the Dialogue Manager's Sequencer Camera field unassigned, or assign a camera prefab if you prefer. If you leave the Sequencer Camera field unassigned, make sure your main gameplay camera is tagged MainCamera.

2. Or place empty GameObjects in the camera positions instead of Camera GameObjects. Leave the Sequencer Camera field unassigned or assign a camera prefab. Use Camera() sequencer commands. For example, Camera(Dialogue_Camera_1,,1) will move the current camera (main gameplay camera or instance of a camera prefab) to the position of the empty GameObject named "Dialogue_Camera_1".

Re: Sequencer Camera

Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2024 12:21 pm
by jrose1184
Many thanks that worked. Just one more question how can i pause the player. I have my own script that pauses every thing in a method, its on my game manager. But in the Conversation window on the Dialogue entry i see no way of adding that.

Re: Sequencer Camera

Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2024 3:35 pm
by Tony Li

Please see the Interaction Tutorial. It covers how to pause the player during conversations.