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How can I fix - All dialogue branches display the same content?

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2024 2:44 am
by Kanzai

I'm experiencing a strange problem that all dialogue branches display the same content.

The database is matched with the dialogue manager well, and I can see everything in the database goes right. But when I run playmode, there's only one sentence left in all the dialogues. It is worth noting that the code logic still works - since I can go to the specified branch by those conversations. In other words, except displaying the same sentence, the dialogue system runs pretty well.

Maybe there's something wrong with the display. I'm really confused and hope someone could help me fix that.


Re: How can I fix - All dialogue branches display the same content?

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2024 8:20 am
by Tony Li

Set the Dialogue Manager GameObject's Other Settings > Debug Level to Info so you can see what dialogue text the conversation engine is using:

If the text in the Console window is all the same content, then the issue is with the conversation engine or the dialogue database.

However, I suspect the issue is with the dialogue UI. As a quick test, try assigning the Basic Standard Dialogue UI to the Dialogue Manager's Display Settings > Dialogue UI field. Then play. Does it still show the same content, or does each dialogue entry show its own correct text now?

If it shows the correct text, we'll need to take a look at your dialogue UI. Check the Console for any errors or warnings. If there are none, make sure the correct copy of your dialogue UI is assigned to the Dialogue Manager's Dialogue UI field. Then check the dialogue UI's StandardDialogueUI and StandardUISubtitlePanel components to verify that the fields are assigned correctly.