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Weird Bug - Fade Out, No Conversation Start

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2024 11:02 am
by JamesTFreaknKirk

I'm experiencing a weird bug very infrequently. Its quite hard for me to reproduce. but every so often when I start a dialogue with a character, no dialogue appears, but my UI fades out like I'm starting a conversation.

because of this, I cant exit the dialogue and so I need to restart my game.

I suspect its because the dialogue system thinks that there's another dialogue running, perhaps I dont end the dialogue properly? however it works correctly 99% of the time, but that 1% it does as described above.

Has this happened before? is there some kind of function I can run before starting any dialogue to ensure this doesnt happen?
whenever I launch a conversation I use the following lines:

DialogueManager.StartConversation(convo, player, t);

Hopefully I'm being descriptive enough! :shock:

Thanks for your time

Re: Weird Bug - Fade Out, No Conversation Start

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2024 3:54 pm
by Tony Li

I suspect that the root cause is different. Set the Dialogue Manager's Other Settings > Debug Level to Info. This will log activity to the Console window when you play the game in the Unity editor's play mode.

If my suspicion is correct, you'll see "Dialogue System: Starting conversation..." when you expect to, instead of "Dialogue System: Can't start conversation. Another conversation is already active."

If this is the case, the dialogue UI's Animator may be getting its states confused. In the Animator window, check what state the Dialogue Panel's Animator is in. If it's incorrectly in the Hide state instead of the Show/Focus states, try ticking the Wait For Open and Wait For Close checkboxes on the dialogue UI's Standard Dialogue UI component, the Dialogue Panel GameObject (if applicable) and the subtitle panel(s).