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Articy:draft image export pipeline

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2023 1:31 pm
by Znoleg
Hello Pixel Crushers team! Our designers use articy:draft to create quests, items, and dialogues. For these entities we want to show pictures. My task is to make sure that designers can select any image in articy (they can get it from anywhere - from Figma, download from the Internet, etc.) and we can get it somehow in Unity. At the moment we are using xml export.

Judging by the articy draft import video guide, all pictures used in articy should be in the Portraits folder. Do I understand correctly that the most correct solution here is to receive pictures from designers in addition to the xml file and place them in the portraits folder manually before importing? Currently, we don't want to host server of shared resources, everything is stored locally.

Also, these pictures should be stored in different folders for convenience. Is a Portraits folder suitable for us in this case? In general, I'd like to know how the connection between an asset in the dialog system and pictures works. I see the “Pictures” field in the dialog asset, but for objects it is always an empty array. For actors, the local path to the image is stored there.

Re: Articy:draft image export pipeline

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2023 3:57 pm
by Tony Li

The articy:draft importer only imports portrait images for actor entities. Those images should be in the Portraits folder specified in the articy Import window, and their names should match the names of the image(s) assigned to the entity in articy:draft. The importer will automatically connect the images to the corresponding actors in the dialogue database.

The "Pictures" dialogue entry field isn't used with articy. It's a default field that's primarily used only by the Chat Mapper importer.

If you add an image property to a template in articy, such as your quest template, the corresponding object in your imported dialogue database will contain the image's articy ID . If you assign images to a Strip in articy, their articy IDs will be in a custom field whose title starts with "SUBTABLE__", with IDs separated by semicolons ( ; ).