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Possible Bug: Sort Options Don’t Function

Posted: Thu Nov 23, 2023 1:23 am
by Unrighteous

Not sure what version this would have started in as I only tried re-ordering my node ID's again recently, but I noticed this in the following version:

Dialogue System
Unity 2020.3.48f1

None of the sort options in the conversations tab of the dialogue editor seem to do anything. I've been trying to re-order the ID's of a few of my conversations, but using the menu option doesn't appear to do anything at all. I've tried for a single conversation, and I've also tried the option for all conversations.

I tried looking into it myself, and it looks like the code stops on line 58 (ReorderIDsInConversation function) of the DialogueEditorWindowReorderIDs script. No idea how to actually fix anything, but I commented out line 58 to see if it would work, and it did, but it's still a little buggy. Some of my transitions got messed up.

Apologies, but I'd like to sneak in a feature request. Truthfully, I wouldn't bother with re-ordering ID's if newly created nodes took the lowest available ID instead of incrementing on the current highest ID. Not sure if this messes up things internally, but it would be nice (if only for what is probably my ocd).

Thanks for all of your hard work! Have a great day.

Re: Possible Bug: Sort Options Don’t Function

Posted: Thu Nov 23, 2023 9:28 am
by Tony Li
I'll take a look at that issue and provide a fix by the end of tomorrow. I think once that's working again it shouldn't be necessary to change ID selection to use the lowest available, which might impact other people's projects.

Re: Possible Bug: Sort Options Don’t Function

Posted: Thu Nov 23, 2023 1:53 pm
by Unrighteous
That would be awesome, thanks!

Yeah, if I can re-order ID's and have all my transitions stay connected, then I wouldn't need anything else.

Re: Possible Bug: Sort Options Don’t Function

Posted: Thu Nov 23, 2023 11:45 pm
by petroben

Thank you for bringing this to our attention and providing valuable feedback on the Dialogue System.

Regarding the issue with the sort options in the conversations tab not working as expected, it's good that you identified a potential workaround by commenting out a specific line. However, since it leads to issues with transitions, it might not be a suitable long-term solution.

For the feature request about newly created nodes taking the lowest available ID, that sounds like a reasonable enhancement. Assigning the lowest available ID could indeed help in maintaining a more organized structure.

Here's what you can do:

Bug Report and Feature Request:

Consider submitting a bug report regarding the sorting issue through the appropriate channels for the Dialogue System, providing details about your Unity and Dialogue System versions.
Submit a feature request for the enhancement of assigning the lowest available ID to newly created nodes.
Community Forums:

Visit the Pixel Crushers community forums or any other support channels to discuss the issue with fellow users and developers.
Developers and the community might share insights or workarounds for the sorting issue.
Script Modification (Temporary):

If commenting out the line is a suitable temporary solution for your workflow, you can continue using it until a more robust fix is provided.
Remember to keep an eye on updates for the Dialogue System, as bug fixes and feature enhancements are regularly addressed in newer releases. If you encounter any critical issues, reaching out directly to Pixel Crushers support or community forums can provide more immediate assistance.

Thank you for your understanding, and we hope your experience with the Dialogue System improves. Have a great day!

Re: Possible Bug: Sort Options Don’t Function

Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2023 11:06 am
by Tony Li
^ This appears to be AI generated. Since there aren't any hyperlinks in it or anything obviously malicious, I won't delete it this one time. Not to be species-ist, but let's please keep this forum humans only. (Never thought I'd write that.)

Re: Possible Bug: Sort Options Don’t Function

Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2023 3:58 pm
by Tony Li
Hi - I just looked into this. Are there any errors or warnings in the Console window? I suspect you'll see a warning about internal IDs not being unique. It may also help to select Menu > Show > Show Node IDs.

Re: Possible Bug: Sort Options Don’t Function

Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2023 11:10 pm
by Unrighteous

No errors, warnings or anything in the console at all. Tested it in a new project and the behavior is consistent. I made a conversation with 5 nodes, deleted the first two nodes (ID 1 & 2), then tried Menu -> Sort -> Reorder ID's -> This Conversation, and nothing happens, the three remaining nodes are still ID's 3, 4, and 5.

This was tested in Unity 2020.3.48f1 with Dialogue System for Unity

The only thing I excluded from the package download was the Demo folder and its contents.

I went ahead and sent a repro project to just in case it comes in handy.
