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Couple Questions - Bark Logic, Quest Localization

Posted: Thu Nov 23, 2023 12:34 am
by cassius
I have a few questions about random things are have come up for me recently.

1. I noticed that unfortunately Quests don't seem to support Unity Localization. It appears to be on the road map - curious if there are updates on that?

2. Bark doesn't seem to have any translation/localization ability, so I'm using Conversations as the source text for my barks. However rather than making a new Conversation for each Bark, it seems having multiple Dialogue Entries as Barks in a single Conversation, then targeting them by Entry Title would work well. Just like how the Dialogue System Trigger has it (Dialogue System Trigger -> Actions -> Start Conversation -> Entry Title). But I don't see that for Barks. Is there another scalable way to implement this I haven't thought of? Setting variables would get too unwieldy.

Re: Couple Questions - Bark Logic, Quest Localization

Posted: Thu Nov 23, 2023 9:40 am
by Tony Li
The next update will add quests to the Unity Localization package integration. It will also add an option in the Dialogue System Trigger's Bark action to specify a dialogue entry ID.

Re: Couple Questions - Bark Logic, Quest Localization

Posted: Sun Nov 26, 2023 12:00 am
by cassius
That's wonderful. Thank you! :)

Re: Couple Questions - Bark Logic, Quest Localization

Posted: Sun Nov 26, 2023 11:36 am
by Tony Li
The bark addition is implemented and will be in 2.2.42. The changes are in the core engine, so I can't provide a patch in the meantime.

Here's the updated Localization Package integration:


It localizes quests, but you must use the DS To Loc window's "String Table To Dialogue System" button to reimport the translations back into the dialogue database.