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Adding Actor component stopped Override UI

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2023 7:06 pm
by Yubaba
Hi Tony,
I had an unexpected interaction, and it's very possible I'm just missing something.
I've been using (and very grateful for) Override Dialogue UI for a while. I recently added an Actor component to my main character hoping to use its AudioSource for voice lines, however, when that Actor component is on the main character, the Override Dialogue is ignored and only uses the default Dialogue UI.
I've left all the settings in Actor (except for Actor name) on their defaults. What am I missing?


Re: Adding Actor component stopped Override UI

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2023 8:27 pm
by Tony Li

The Dialogue Actor component is probably causing a different GameObject than before to be used for the conversation actor or conversation conversant. Please see: Character GameObject Assignments for a detailed description.

The Logging & Debugging video tutorial shows how to use Debug Level > Info to see which GameObjects are being used. If the GameObject with the Override Dialogue UI component is no longer being used as the actor or conversant, the conversation won't use its UI.