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Regarding the inability to save items using the save system.

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2023 10:26 pm
by KK03

When I use DialogueLua.SetQuestField to change the number of items in the possession of an item and load it, it does not revert to the previous state of the item.

"Variables" seems to be preserved.

Is there a solution?

Re: Regarding the inability to save items using the save system.

Posted: Tue Oct 31, 2023 8:11 am
by Tony Li

How are you handling items? In the dialogue database's Quests/Items section? In a separate inventory system asset? In your own code?

If you're using the Quest/Items section, inspect the Dialogue Manager's Persistent Data Settings section and tick Include All Item and Quest Data.

If it's a separate asset that the Dialogue System has integration with, use the integration.

If it's your own code, see: How To: Write Custom Savers

Re: Regarding the inability to save items using the save system.

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2023 4:21 pm
by KK03
I was able to solve the problem by checking the "Include All Item and Quest Data" checkbox.
Thank you for your support!

Re: Regarding the inability to save items using the save system.

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2023 4:32 pm
by Tony Li
Glad to help!