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Using Panel from Canvas(Other than Dialogue Manager's) as Response

Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2023 4:11 am
by ehtiakbar1
Hi Tony,

I hope you are doing great. I am working on a game and am currently creating a tutorial to teach users about the functionality and UI of the game. It is a presidential simulation game where you can appoint or remove someone as a minister and perform other similar actions.

I have a couple of questions regarding setting up the conversation in the game:

I want the conversation to pause at certain dialogue and wait for the user to perform specific actions, such as appointing someone. I assume I can achieve this using the "waitformessage()" sequencer command, but if there's a better option, please guide me.

Additionally, I would like to open another UI panel during the conversation, where I can choose a specific person for a particular ministry. Once I make a selection, I want this panel to close or hide, and the conversation to continue.

There is much more I would like to ask, but I will first try to figure everything out on my own. If I am unable to find a solution, I may seek your assistance. I am aware that documentation exists, but I am not very proficient in English.

Thank you.

Re: Using Panel from Canvas(Other than Dialogue Manager's) as Response

Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2023 9:15 am
by Tony Li

Yes, use WaitForMessage(). You can also hide the dialogue UI while you're waiting. For example:

appoint.png (29.81 KiB) Viewed 160 times

This assumes the AppointmentPanel lets the player appoint someone and then closes and calls Sequencer.Message("Appointed");.