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Reticle is Not Showing Despite having a Usable component on the target

Posted: Fri Sep 08, 2023 12:19 am
by whatsNiu
DS Selector Reticle does not show up on screen both in and out of conversation, regardless of distance between target and player. What I want is for the Reticle to be present at all times, with additional UI elements (such as an exclamation mark) be shown when the Reticle is hovered over the target and hidden at other times. Any advice is appreciated!

My Setup
I am currently using the evaluation version found here: ... n-version/
I am running 2022.3.9f1 version of the Unity Editor. I followed the Quick Start tutorial here to setup a conversation:

I have an NPC in the scene with a Usable component, with Max Use Distance set to 30. Other fields left as default.
My Player has a Selector component, with Max Selection Distance set to 30 as well. Under Reticle, I have set a Texture2D for both the InRange and OutOfRange fields however this texture is nowhere to be seen when game is played in editor.

Re: Reticle is Not Showing Despite having a Usable component on the target

Posted: Fri Sep 08, 2023 8:31 am
by Tony Li

Here's an example scene:


It's DemoScene1 with these changes:
  • On the Dialogue Manager GameObject's Instantiate Prefabs component, removed the Basic Standard UI Selector Elements prefab from the Prefabs list.
  • Added a Canvas to the player. (It would have been equally fine to use the Dialogue Manager's Canvas.)
  • Added an instance of the Basic Standard UI Selector Elements to the Canvas.
  • Duplicated the Reticle Out of Range child UI element, renamed it to "Always Show This", and moved it out of the Main Selector Panel.
  • Changed the colors of Reticle In Range and Reticle Out of Range to differentiate them from Always Show This.

Re: Reticle is Not Showing Despite having a Usable component on the target

Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2023 9:46 pm
by whatsNiu
Thanks Tony! Was able to get it with your help.

In any case, it would be helpful to have a "how to use" for all components and scripts in the docs. I was able to find a class reference in the docs, but no visuals on what the reticle looks like or how to set it up. I may have missed it, but just my two cents that being able to find "how to use" info via the search bar would be very helpful. :-)

Re: Reticle is Not Showing Despite having a Usable component on the target

Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2023 9:48 pm
by Tony Li
Good point. I'll add more documentation where it's missing for those components.