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Quest not accepted but variables go up

Posted: Thu Aug 24, 2023 7:08 am
by StrujaMojaKuja
So I have a prefab in my scene that spawns enemies on random location, the enemies are not in the scene but i set them up accordingly with the help of your video tutorial that is on youtube. The issue is when I kill the enemy and the quest is not accepted, the counter goes up. Also, the enemies are in the scene before accepting the quest. The other issue is when I'm done with the quest, let's say I killed 15/15 enemies, the counter will go up after I kill them again, 16/15, etc... Is there any easy way to fix this that I missed out on? Thank you for your help

Re: Quest not accepted but variables go up

Posted: Thu Aug 24, 2023 9:07 am
by Tony Li

The info in How To: Set Up Quests Without Conversations may be helpful, even if you're using conversations for the quest.

On your enemy prefab, make sure the Increment On Destroy component's Conditions > Quest Conditions are set so it will only increment if the quest is active. Also set the max value so it won't go above 15.

The bottom of the How To I linked above explains how to change scenes to prevent incorrect incrementing.

Re: Quest not accepted but variables go up

Posted: Thu Aug 24, 2023 10:22 am
by StrujaMojaKuja
Thank you that worked. :D May I ask you one more thing, on scene change (level 1, back to main menu, main menu back to level 1), all of the UI for the dialogue manager is gone, i can't open journal, interact panel doesn't show, but the dialogue does show. Is there an easy fix to this? Sorry for bothering you.

Re: Quest not accepted but variables go up

Posted: Thu Aug 24, 2023 10:42 am
by Tony Li

There's probably an easy fix, but it depends on how you're changing back to the main menu and then back to level 1. What code and/or components are you using to go to the main menu and to level 1 from the main menu?

Re: Quest not accepted but variables go up

Posted: Thu Aug 24, 2023 11:03 am
by StrujaMojaKuja
To go back to the main menu I use this method from a button:

public void MainMenu()
Time.timeScale = 1f;

and I'll send you the whole class that I use to load a level:

public class LoadingScene : MonoBehaviour
public GameObject loadingScreen;
public Image loadingBarFill;
public GameObject mainUI;
public GameObject sounds;
public GameObject playUI;
public GameObject backgroundMusic;

IEnumerator LoadSceneAsync(int sceneId)
AsyncOperation operation = SceneManager.LoadSceneAsync(sceneId);


while (!operation.isDone)
float progressValue = Mathf.Clamp01(operation.progress / 0.9f);
loadingBarFill.fillAmount = progressValue;
yield return null;

public void LoadScene(int sceneID)

It's a pretty basic loading screen and that's it, I can't find why it ''destroys'' the dialogueManager, but when i restart the game and load it back from the main menu it works good. It's also loaded with a button, a LoadScene method that I sent.

Re: Quest not accepted but variables go up

Posted: Thu Aug 24, 2023 2:50 pm
by Tony Li

Are there any errors or warnings in the Console?

Have you changed any settings in the Dialogue Manager GameObject's Other Settings section, such as Don't Destroy On Load or Allow Only One Instance?

Do any other GameObjects in your main menu scene have a Save System component or Input Device Manager component?