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Subtitle text won't show when the conversation being run twice

Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2023 6:27 am
by yezki8
Hi, I have a slight problem when using conversation feature. The first time the conversation started, it runs normally. But when I try to run the second time, the parameter "Show" on the "Canvas Group Animator Controller" wont be set to "true". It makes the animation flow stuck on Start, thus preventing the text to appear visually on the screen.

To Note:
- To trigger the conversation, I use [DialogueSystemTrigger.OnUse();] from a custom script
- Again, this only happens when I try triggering any conversation the second time or more.

For a workaround, i had to manually give arrow
in the Animator itself: Image

But of course above is not a proper fix. Can anyone help?

Re: Subtitle text won't show when the conversation being run twice

Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2023 9:31 am
by Tony Li

Use the Basic Standard Dialogue UI. Does the text appear when the conversation is run twice? This will tell us where to look.

If the conversation appears when using the Basic Standard Dialogue UI, compare your animators and panels' configurations to it (Dialogue Panel, subtitle panels, and menu panels). Make sure the Animator points to the correct animator controller asset and the Show Animation Trigger and Hide Animation Trigger values are correct. If you don't want to use Show/Hide animations, you can remove the Animators from the panels and clear the Show/Hide Animation Trigger fields.

Re: Subtitle text won't show when the conversation being run twice

Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2023 10:48 pm
by yezki8
Hi. Thank you for answering
The same problem appears with the Basic Standard UI (animation flow stuck on start and the bool "show" wont switched to "true) the second time i run a conversation. The Animator points to the correct animator controller asset and the Show Trigger and Hide Trigger values are correct. So i do what you suggested. I remove the Animators, and it works!

Thanks for the help. But i do wanna ask again something: If i fixed it like this, or by my previous attempt (directly pull arrow from start to show in the animator), should i be worried for a potential problem on the future, or i can mark this as "done and fixed"?

Re: Subtitle text won't show when the conversation being run twice

Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2023 11:03 pm
by Tony Li
Are you pausing time during conversations? If so, maybe the Animator's Update Mode was set to Normal, which would cause it to not play while paused. If this is the case, setting it to Unscaled Timed will allow it to play while game time is paused.

Re: Subtitle text won't show when the conversation being run twice

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2023 11:30 pm
by yezki8
No, i don't pause time during conversations. What i do is to make a scene specific only for conversation and it's UI. And the conversation is called as soon as the scene is activated. But yea, i'll try to set it unscaled timed in the future. Thank you for the help!

Re: Subtitle text won't show when the conversation being run twice

Posted: Tue Aug 29, 2023 10:43 am
by Tony Li
Glad to help!