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CSV Export, to CSV Import = Conditions and Scripts switched around.

Posted: Sun Jan 18, 2015 6:30 am
by andrew2110
As the subject suggests, on exporting to a csv file, and then reimporting, all of my conditions for conversations become scripts, and all the scripts become conditions, which obviously leads to syntax errors

Found because, due to an annoying copy and paste issue from google docs, I'm having to go through each conversation in the game and swap ever occurence of ’ to ' which is obviously easiest if I can do a "replace all" in a text file. Hopefully an easy issue to fix?

CSV Export, to CSV Import = Conditions and Scripts switched around.

Posted: Sun Jan 18, 2015 9:10 am
by Tony Li

Sorry, that's a straight up bug. I just fixed it in patch 1.4.3a, which you can get on the customer download site. If you need access, please PM me your Asset Store invoice number.

If possible, please use the Chat Mapper XML exporter and importer. The CSV format omits some field types, such as portrait images, so you could lose information going back and forth. If you don't use portrait images, audio file lists, or video file lists (basically, any of the special Chat Mapper data fields), CSV should work fine.